
Monday, April 4, 2011

Bintan to Get Second Airport

The Indonesian government has given the green light for a second airport to be built on Bintan island, to be located within the Lagoi Bay site that has been earmarked for a massive integrated resort development.

Mandala Airlines Revival

Mandala Airlines looks set to survive its financial meltdown after a voting session last Thursday saw 304 out 344 debtors agreeing to convert monies owed to them into shares in the company.

Garuda Indonesia Continues Fleet Expansion

Garuda Indonesia and GE Capital Aviatin Services (GECAS) announces the signing of an operating lease for six Boeing 737-800 Next generation aircraft and three CFM56-7B engines. Three aircraft are scheduled to be delivered in June, September, and October, 2013. The other three will be delivered in June, September, and October 2014. GECAS’ Mike Jones commented:”Garuda Indonesia is a valued customer, and we’re pleased to be playing a role in their fleet modernization. We look forward to our continued association with them in the years ahead”